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Higginson Foundation

Higginson Foundation

The Higginson Foundation was organized as a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation on November 23, 2015. Its mission is to preserve and protect old and historic buildings in and around Boston, Massachusetts. The Foundation aims to preserve and protect historically significant artwork exhibited in and around Boston, Massachusetts, including within the Harvard Club of Boston Clubhouse. The goal is to perpetuate the further education of posterity with regard to the architectural, historic, artistic, and general cultural heritage of the Boston area. The Foundation was further organized to encourage education and personal advancement for youth in the Greater Boston area, to foster scientific, literary, and educational interests among members of the Club and to advance the interests and promote the welfare of Harvard University. The Foundation intends to carry out its educational purposes by, among other activities, organizing a speaker series to educate members of the Harvard Club of Boston and the Harvard University community on matters of public interest and by awarding scholarships and fellowships for study at institutions of higher education.